Friday, 31 May 2019

Pink Shirt Day

                             Hi everyone!

On Friday the 18th we did a letter box drop. So we first got some Positive quotes and put them on paper t-shirts. My one said ' everyone wants happiness no one wants pain you can't have a rainbow with out a little rain'. Then the teachers put as in groups and we went out side of school and posted letter in letter boxes after some days a doctor sent us a letter and it says↓
and that is was it says my favorite part was when we were finding the quotes because there were lots more that I read and they were amazing! Here are some more photos

Thursday, 9 May 2019


                                                                    Hello everyone
On the 7th of May it was the first day of Ramadan. Because I am 11 years old I have to fast for a whole month. That means no TV, no music, no fighting, respecting everyone and no swearing. Those are the things that you can't do now this is the things that you can do but won't break your fast and that is brushing your teeth, drinking or eating by accident and swimming or diving. If you were wondering what is fasting. Fasting is when Ramadan is when we wake up at 5:00am and you eat and and drink as much as you can and then at  5:32am and then you pray and go to sleep and that's when you wake up and you can't eat tell 5:33pm and that's when you can eat again. That is all the information I now if you what me to ask me more questions just till me in the comments bye!


Friday, 3 May 2019

My narrative writing!

                                                                  Hi bloggers

On week 8 and 9 we started to do a Narrative. If you don't now what a narrative here is some advice. A narrative is where you have a photo and we had to use our imagination and and writing about it. Here is my narrative.  


I hope you liked it see you next time bye!