Tuesday, 17 December 2019

SLJ Day 1 Wk1 A1


Hey blogger! Today for Summer Learning Journey I am going to be listing 10 things that I would take to an island.

  1. Fruit can's because you can stay healthy and your mouth will stay fresh.
  2. lollies because you have some thing sweet to eat as a treat.
  3. spaghettios because you have have food to eat on the sea.
  4. chips so you can have that as a treat as will.
  5. biscuits so you have some thing to snack on.
  6. surviving food I mean if you what to survive you need surviving food!
  7. can's that are filled with food.
  8. cereal for breakfast!
  9. Flavored food like you can't get flavored food at the sea can you?
  10. salads because you need to be healthy.    
My favorite foods are sushi and fruits can's what are yours tell m in the comments bye blog you later!! 

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Maryam, I hope you are having a groovy day!

    Thank you for doing week one, day one, activity one! The food items you’ve listed sound delicious and I like how you’ve explained why you would take those particular food items, instead of just listing them. I would definitely take cookies, they’re so yum! I love dipping them in my tea :)
    What is your favourite flavour cookie?

    Have you ever spent time in a canoe or kayak? Do you think you’d like to do a three-week ocean voyage?

    My favourite foods are nachos and roast chicken :)

    Keep up the awesome mahi! I look forward to reading more of your posts over the summer :)



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